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Many events have affected the course of our history, but none could ever come close to the current pandemic. COVID-19 came like a thief in the night, surprising everyone who expected to live their normal lives after a fruitful 2019. Around the first few months of 2020, the outbreak arrived, and those who were infected first became one of the many casualties that still add up to this day.

With all of that being said, COVID-19 PCR tests became a prevalent mandate by all governments wordlwide. This is an effort to eradicate the virus and end the whole pandemic as soon as possible. Unfortunately, the average person doesn’t really know what PCR testing is all about and the global factors and mandates that may or may not affect its utilisation and implementation.

If you happen to be one of those who are curious to know more about it, there is no need to worry. We have listed a couple of pointers below that may help you better understand what it is all about.

1) Every Country Has a Different PCR Test Implementation

Every country has their own rules and regulations when it comes to the PCR test. Even if you are already a citizen of a particular country or you happen to be a tourist, you must abide by the law as there are already fines and consequences in overlooking them.

The PCR test of one nation is definitely different from their foreign counterparts; therefore, you must do your own research before even booking your accommodation. One easy way of doing this is by watching the international news. From there, you can determine which country implements what and the wait times for their PCR results.

2) The U.K.’s PCR Test Is Fairly Affordable

There have been sudden changes throughout the pandemic, but one of the more positive ones involves the price of the PCR tests. In the U.K., for example, the prices were decreased to allow more people to check their current condition. A person with COVID-19 would usually show symptoms within the first week of their infection; however, that is not always the case.

Some people are asymptomatic to the disease, meaning that they wouldn’t even show signs of infection until it’s already too late. Making the PCR tests more affordable will allow for greater accessibility, giving people immediate medical attention to prevent the further spread of the virus.

3) You Must Be Tested Again When Returning from a Foreign Country

Even if you were careful throughout your travels, you might still need to undergo another PCR test to ensure that you were not able to catch the virus on your way home. This is a mandate by the U.K. government; as such, it’s not negotiable, even if you want to go home immediately. This is done to ensure that no more spreaders may enter the country, something that other nations around the world are strictly implementing.


Knowing these technicalities will prepare you for the PCR tests and let you familiarise the mandates given out by foreign countries. It’s easy to get excited about your upcoming vacation, but you must ensure that you will not be at risk of spreading or acquiring the virus by accident.

It is always better to be prepared and vigilant rather than careless and infected. Such a measure is made possible by having your vaccine shots and taking a well-needed PCR test.

If you are looking for a reliable source of COVID-19 home test kits in the U.K., look no further than our selections here at PCR Labs U.K. We are one of London’s trusted COVID-19 test providers, and we ensure secure results and fast delivery. Contact us today and order your own home test kit now!

Written by pcrukadmin

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